Lab 0 Questions: Getting Started For each question, provide your answer starting on the line immediately after the prompt. For example: 0.) What is a terrible haiku? 0.answer) This haiku is just A bunch of words to fill space As an example 1.) What is your major? 1.answer) 2.) Why are you taking this class? 2.answer) 3.) What do you hope to get out of this class? 3.answer) 4.) What sort of projects would you be interested in doing? 4.answer) 5.) What do you want to do after you graduate? 5.answer) 6.) Indicate which of the following categories best describes you: A.) I have no programming experience. B.) I have some programming experience, but not to the point of being able to write full programs. C.) I am able to write simple programs. D.) I am able to write complex programs. 6.answer) 7.) If you have at least some programming experience, list the programming languages you have used or studied below, one per line. 7.answer)