
Object-Oriented Programming In JavaScript

JavaScript, like Java and C++, is an object-oriented (OO) language. Like Java and C++, JavaScript has:

However, unlike Java and C++, JavaScript notably is not a class-based OO language. Instead, it is a prototype-based OO language. In one sentence, this means that objects inherit directly from other objects, as opposed to classes inheriting from classes. This has profound impact on both JavaScript’s design and how it can be used:

The rest of this guide goes over some of these key concepts in JavaScript. It is not intended to be an exhaustive guide to everything you can do with this, but rather a brief introduction to how objects work in JavaScript.

Upfront Caveat: the class Reserved Word

You may have seen the class reservered word in JavaScript, which seems to contradict everything you just read. However, class is a bit of a misnomer. class merely sets up the usual prototype-based inheritance to behave according to what you might expect from class-based inheritance. That is, is basically just translates your class-like code into prototype-based code, transparently. Prototype-based inheritance is strictly more flexible than class-based inheritance, which is why this is possible to do to begin with: given prototype-based inheritance, we can implement class-based inheritance, but not the other way around.

Code in this Guide

All code in this guide is run with node. Code input into node starts with the > character. The output of node immediately follows. For example:

> let x = 1 + 2
> x

The above code introduces the new variable x, and initializes it to hold the result of 1 + 2. This was typed directly into node. Node always responds with an answer, even if no answer makes sense. In case no answer makes sense, node responds with undefined, as seen above. That is, declaring and initializing a variable does not produce any output, so we see undefined as a sort of placeholder. After that, the expression x is evaluated, with the line > x. Since x was previously declared, node gives us the current value of x, namely 3.

Objects in JavaScript

First, let’s talk about objects in JavaScript. JavaScript objects are implemented as a sort of built-in data structure, representing a map / dictionary / hash table. It’s basically just something that associates keys (represented as strings) to values, where the values can be any data you want. For example, consider the following code:

> let obj = { 'foo': 1, 'bar': true }

The notation with the { ... } is used to create an object literal. This basically creates a brand new object in-place. In the above code, we make an object with the fields foo and bar, which are both strings. The word “field” is usually used to refer to individual keys, and sometimes the key/value pair, in an object. Strings in JavaScript can be denoted with either single quotes ('foo') or double quotes ("foo"). The foo field is initialized with the integer 1, and the bar field is initialized with the boolean value true. The subsequent undefined is because variable declaration by itself doesn’t produce any useful value, so node gives us back the dummy value undefined. Afterwards, we access the foo and bar fields of obj, which intentionally uses the usual dot (.) syntax for accessing a field of an object.

Accessing Nonexistent Fields and undefined

If you access a nonexistent field of an object, then you get back the special value undefined. This is shown in the snippet below.

> let obj = { 'foo': 1 }

undefined itself is a null-like value; it doesn’t have any real special meaning by itself, and it just sort of exists. Note that JavaScript also has null, so JavaScript has basically two different null-like values: undefined and null. In context, undefined is usually to indicate that something weird happened in a way that’s built into JavaScript itself, as with accessing a nonexistent field of an object above. null is usually intended to indicate something weird directly in application code, as one might normally use null in another language.

Dynamically Adding or Removing Fields

We can dynamically add fields to an object in JavaScript. For example, consider the following code:

> let obj = { 'foo': 1 }
> = false

obj initially has no bar field, so accessing it gives us back the special value undefined. However, we later add a bar field, with the line = false, and subsequently see that we can now access Note that, as simple as this looks, this is something we fundamentally cannot do in Java or C++: we’ve effectively dynamically added an instance variable to an object.

We can similarly dynamically remove a field from an object using delete, as shown below:

> let obj = { 'foo': 1 }
> delete

The object above initially has a foo field, but we later remove it. Subsequent accesses to foo give us back undefined, as we’re now accessing a field that no longer exists. Once again, this is something that fundamentally cannot be done with Java or C++: we are directly removing an instance variable from an object.


While we can directly construct objects using object-literal notation, oftentimes we want to create a lot of objects that have similar fields to each other. In class-based OO, we might make a class for this purpose, serving as a template for all our objects. In JavaScript, this same problem is instead solved with constructors. For example, the code below defines a Rectangle constructor, and then creates two rectanges, each with their own separate width and height:

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;

> let r1 = new Rectangle(3, 4)
> let r2 = new Rectangle(5, 6)
> r1.width
> r2.height

The Rectangle constructor itself is just a function; from JavaScript’s standpoint, there is no special distrinction between regular old functions and constructors. From a programmer’s standpoint, constructors usually start with a capital letter, whereas regular functions usually start with a lowercase letter.

In the code above, we call the constructor using new, instead of performing a regular function call. new is specifically used for calling a function as a constructor, and it has the following semantics:

Because a new object is created first and bound to this, the above code ends up dynamically adding the width and height fields to the newly-created object. Furthermore, because Rectangle is being called as a function, the parameters to the call are bound to the variables inputWidth and inputHeight.


Objects can inherit directly from other objects. Each object has a somewhat special field called __proto__, which refers to an object’s prototype. __proto__ is used whenever an attempt is made to access a field which doesn’t exist. To show how this works, let’s consider the following access: obj.myField. JavaScript executes the following algorithm for this access:

  1. See if obj contains field myField. If it does, then return whatever value is associated with myField.
  2. If obj does not contain the myField field, look instead at the __proto__ field of obj. If __proto__ itself is a reference to an object, recursively do this lookup procedure of myField, but instead starting from the object __proto__ refers to instead of obj.
  3. If obj does not contain the myField field, and obj.__proto__ isn’t an object, then return undefined.

An example follows:

> let obj1 = { 'foo': 1 }
> let obj2 = { 'bar': 2, '__proto__': obj1 }
> obj2.blah

As shown, obj2 is given a __proto__ field which refers to the previously-created object obj1. obj1 itself has a foo field. With the access, this immediately returns 2, because obj2 directly has a bar field. However, with the access, this gets more interesting. obj2 does not have a foo field, but it does have a __proto__ field which refers to an object. As such, this lookup procedure for foo is repeated for the object __proto__ refers to, specifically obj1. In other words, this effectively becomes obj1 does, in fact, have a foo field, so this lookup ultimately returns 1. In this manner, obj2 is said to inherit from obj1: while obj2 itself doesn’t have a foo field directly, we can still access a foo field from it, because its parent obj1 has a foo field.

As for the last access of obj2.blah, since obj2 itself doesn’t have a blah field, the lookup consults the __proto__ field instead. This effectively becomes obj1.blah as a result. However, obj1 also lacks a blah field, and it doesn’t have a __proto__ field either, so this returns undefined.

Since this lookup approach is based on looking at the __proto__ field, and because the __proto__ field itself is just another field, we can dynamically change what an object inherits from. This is shown in the example below:

> let base1 = { 'foo': 1 }
> let base2 = { 'bar': 2 }
> let obj = { 'baz': 3, '__proto__': base1 }
> obj.__proto__ = base2
{ bar: 2 }

As shown above, obj initially inherits from base1; i.e., obj’s __proto__ field initially refers to base1. As such, it appears to have a foo field with the later access to, which returns 1. foo is coming from base1 here. Then, we update obj’s __proto__ field to instead refer to base2; i.e., we make obj inherit from base2 instead. Suddenly, returns undefined, because obj itself lacks foo, as does base2. However, suddently returns 2, because obj inherits bar from base2.

Caveat: Slight Oversimplification and Non-Idiomatic Behaviors

For the purposes of this class, you don’t need to dig any deeper here. However, beyond the class, you should be aware that obj1 above does, in fact, have a __proto__ field, even though we never directly accessed it. This does, in fact, point to another object, which effectively acts as the ultimate parent of all objects in JavaScript. This sort of base object itself doesn’t have a blah field, so undefined is still ultimately returned. We won’t be using this sort of base object at all in this class, so you don’t need to worry about it.

One other thing: the direct access of __proto__ is not considered good practice. Because this can radically change behavior so easily, it’s usually discouraged. Additionally, it’s arguably not standards compliant, despite being nearly universally supported. Direct access also usually has negative performance implications, because it can make the JavaScript engine (the thing executing your JavaScript code) encounter difficulty during optimizations.

For our purposes, my goal here is merely to teach how inheritance works in JavaScript, not best practices for setting up inheritance. The best practices still require you to know all this material, but strictly add further complications. As such, this is still a suitable foundation for understanding these concepts.


Methods can be placed directly on objects. Like constructors, methods the distinction between a method and a function is merely a matter of perspective to JavaScript. An example showing methods is below, building off of our Rectangle example:

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;
    this.getArea = function () {
        return this.width * this.height;

> let r = new Rectangle(3, 4)
> r.getArea()

As before, Rectangle is a constructor that adds the width and height fields to a newly-created object. In addition, this version also adds a getArea field to the newly-created object. getArea itself holds a function, specifically an anonymous function (i.e., it has no name). The function itself uses this.width and this.height internally; more on that in a bit.

Let’s look at the method call performed here, specifically r.getArea(). Internally, this does two things:

  1. This does a lookup of r.getArea, using the same algorithm as before.
  2. This will call the result of r.getArea If the result of r.getArea is not a function, then an exception is thrown. Otherwise, this will be bound to whatever the object is we are calling it on, specifically r in this case.

Since this is bound to r during the call to r.getArea above, we can access r’s width and height fields with this.width and this.height in the body of the getArea method. The only reason we know that getArea is a method at all, as opposed to any old anonymous function, is specifically because of the way we are calling it: r.getArea(). If we instead did:

let r2 = new Rectangle(5, 6)
let temp = r2.getArea // note: no parentheses
                      // this isn't a call, just an access

…the above code wouldn’t work the same way. We still end up calling the same function defined before, but this would crucially no longer be bound to r2. this would instead be bound to a sort of default object sometimes called the global object. As such, this code wouldn’t do what we wanted.

Inheritance with Constructors

In the prior example, we added a getArea method to Rectangle objects. However, this is usually not a great way to add such methods. To understand why, think for a moment about what exactly gets allocated each time we execute the Rectangle constructor, which is duplicated below for convenience:

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;
    this.getArea = function () {
        return this.width * this.height;

If we execute new Rectangle(1, 2), we will allocate:

Since each Rectangle is expected to have its own width and height, it’s unavoidable to need to allocate space for these components. However, getArea is another story. All Rectangle’s share the same getArea method. However, currently, each one allocates its own separate memory for the getArea field, and similarly each allocates its own space for a separate copy of the getArea method itself (the anonymous function). As such, if we start making lots of Rectangles, we’ll end up duplicating the same memory over and over again, wasting space.

For this reason, methods are most commonly implemented through prototype-based inheritance instead. Using the techniques shown so far, we could do this like so:

let getAreaMethod = function () {
    return this.width * this.height;

let rectanglePrototype = { 'getArea': getAreaMethod };

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;
    this.__proto__ = rectanglePrototype;

This sets up a prototype for all Rectangle objects, and initializes the __proto__ field of each Rectangle to refer to this prototype. This way, the getArea field is only allocated once (specifically in the prototype), and similarly the getArea method itself is only allocated once. Now all Rectangle objects effectively share the same field and method, thanks to the prototype.

However, while we’re saving memory, the code above admittedly is bulkier than before. Additionally, we’re directly manipulating the __proto__ field, which isn’t considered good practice. It turns out that JavaScript has a shorthand way of doing the same thing, shown below:

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function () {
    return this.width * this.height;

It might not look like it, but the above code sets up Rectangle’s prototype exactly as before. To understand what this code is doing, we need two short tangents.

Tangent 1: Named Functions Are Not Special

First of all, named functions in JavaScript aren’t that much different than anonymous functions. When we do:

function add(x, y) { return x + y; }

…this is basically equivalent to saying:

let add = function (x, y) { return x + y; }

That is, we introduce a new variable with the name of the function, and bind it to a new anonymous function that does whatever the body of the function does. As such, our prior Rectangle definition is equivalent to:

let Rectangle = function (inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;

Tangent 2: Functions are Also Objects

Second of all, JavaScript functions are also objects. As such, functions can have their own fields, and these fields can have values. Lookup on these fields works exactly as it does on other objects.

When you create a function in JavaScript, it automatically is given a field named prototype. Note that prototype is not the same field as __proto__. The prototype field is then initialized to an empty object. All of this happens transparently when functions are created.

Putting it All Together

With this all in mind, let’s revisit the original code, duplicated below for convenience:

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function () {
    return this.width * this.height;

The Rectangle constructor itself should make complete sense by this point, though the line after it (starting with Rectangle.prototype) might look odd. With the prior explanation in mind, this subsequent line is adding a getArea field to the (previously empty) object referred to by Rectangle.prototype. This getArea field is initialized with an anonymous function which will ultimately return the area.

Now let’s say we create a new Rectangle object, as with new Rectangle(1, 2). This will go through the usual process of running through a constructor. However, one additional step occurs that was previously elided: the __proto__ field of the newly-constructed Rectangle object is automatically set to refer to the object that Rectangle.prototype refers to. In other words, the above code is equivalent to:

function Rectangle(inputWidth, inputHeight) {
    this.__proto__ = Rectangle.prototype; // added line
    this.width = inputWidth;
    this.height = inputHeight;
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function () {
    return this.width * this.height;

…but we don’t need to (and shouldn’t) write the this.__proto__ = Rectangle.prototype line. This just happens automatically when we use the constructor. This helps keep the code clean, and the use of prototypes in this matter is so common that it makes sense to have a special shorthand for this.

Comparison to Class-Based Inheritance

We’ll end this discussion with a comparison to class-based inheritance, with special emphasis on Java and C++. With class-based inheritance, we must define classes which serve as templates from which to make objects. Classes can inherit from each other, allowing for reuse. Usually, class-based inheritance requires us to have special syntax for a variety of situations, for instance:

However, JavaScript instead ops for a much simpler, and ironically much more flexible model. Instance variables and methods are declared using the same syntax; these are just fields on an object. Because we only have objects, no classes, we don’t need special syntax for talking about classes. Inheritance requires us to understand that the __proto__ and prototype fields are a little bit special, but we don’t need special syntax to use them; it’s just setting fields of an object. Overriding is merely a matter of setting __proto__ to the particular object you want; this doesn’t need special syntax, and hardly even a special term. Perhaps most of all, since everything is determined through the fields of objects, this allows us to do much more at runtime: we can dynamically add and remove both instance variables and methods, and we can even change inheritance hierarchies, and even do so only for specific objects if we so chose; almost everything boils down to setting the fields of an object to the right values.

All that said, this still has some issues. For one, just because there is far less syntax, the programmer nonetheless needs to be aware of these things. Having special syntax has an advantage of making it immediately obvious that you’re doing something special, so less syntax isn’t always better. Additionally, having lots of flexibility is a double-edged sword: if your code can do more things, it means there are more ways in which your code can do things incorrectly. For example, while we can modify __proto__ as much as we want, this is generally considered very poor practice; programs that modify __proto__ are inherently more difficult to understand than programs that leave it alone, and only use the prototype mechanism on constructors.