After you've implemented the code in, answer the questions below. This portion is purely bonus worth up to 15% of the assignment; you do not need to complete this for full credit. 1.) The SAT solver from assignment 1 used a list, but no lists are used in the Prolog-based SAT solver. How is this solver able to avoid using lists? 2.) The SAT solver from assignment 1 used a hash table (i.e., a mapping) from variables to Boolean values. However, no hash tables or maps are used in the Prolog-based SAT solver. How is this solver able to avoid using lists? 3.) The function you implemented for assignment 1 returned either a hash table or null, depending on whether or not the solver was dealing with a satisfiable or unsatisfiable formula. The Prolog-based SAT solver, however, doesn't exactly return anything, but it still produces values. How is the Prolog-based SAT solver producing values? (As a hint, this question is connected to the previous question.)