COMP 410 Optional Project

According to the syllabus, there is a final exam in the course. However, you may choose to instead do a final course project. This final course project replaces the final exam, and is thus worth 30% in the course overall. There are only three hard requirements for this project:

This final project is split up among three components:

A description of each of the above components follows.

Project Proposal (Due Friday, March 9)

The project proposal discusses exactly what it is you plan to do, and why. This is a graded component, worth 5%. The project proposal requires the following components, though more can be added if it is relevant:

Before submitting a project proposal, it is recommended to speak with me first so I can give some early feedback. This discussion will help prevent any sort of last-minute surprises when I return the project proposals.

Project Implementation (Due Friday, May 11)

It is expected that most (but not all) projects will require you to write code. This implementation is worth 80%. The code needs to be submitted by this date. Along with the code, you need to submit the following:

Project Report (Due Friday, May 18)

The project report should look somewhat reminiscent to a technical report. This should include:

The base value for the project report is 15%. However, bonus is available:

Theoretically, with all the bonus available on the report, it is possible to recieve up to 121% on the final project.

Potential Project Ideas

A list of potential project ideas follows. This list is non-exhaustive and non-binding; you can pick a project that isn't even related to anything on this list. This list is merely intended to get you thinking about potential project ideas.