Language Documentation

You must provide documentation for your language. You have total control over the format of this documentation; for example, you could create a website for it with links to different parts (GitHub has free web hosting and makes this relatively easy), create a video, or create a more traditional document. No matter the format you use, your documentation must cover the following:

Your documentation can include more information than the above if you so choose, but it must cover the above elements.

In terms of the size, there are no hard minimum or maximum sizes. That said, I would expect that you'd need at least two pages to cover everything, and that you're probably going into too much detail if you need more than ~20 pages.

Internally, I will use this documentation to assist in the grading process. The documentation is your opportunity to guide me through what you've done, and to point out both the good and the bad.


Both of these examples are from prior versions of the course, and are particularly good at what they do.