Project Features

A survey of possible features is below, separated into likely major and minor features. It's difficult to say what counts as a major or minor feature, as this depends heavily on:

When you submit your language design proposal, I'll evaluate the features you selected, and identify which I think are the major features, and which I think are the minor features. If you select too many, I'll suggest certain features to remove. If you select too few, I'll suggest ways to make a feature more complex than described, or will suggest features to add. The initial proposal is a best guess, and we'll refine from there. You can submit the initial proposal as many times as necessary to eventually get full credit on it.

I have some features described below, organized by whether or not it's likely a major or a minor feature. This is not an exhaustive list by far; if you want to do something that's not listed here, just chat with me (or put it on the proposal), and I'll provide feedback on it.

Likely Minor Features

Likely Major Features