LAB #4 RUBRIC: 8 points total for the first three 1a-c)There are a WIDE variety of answers for this. For all of them: -Loop terminates (1 point) -Syntax is correct (1 point) -Termination condition is correct (2 points) -If it's only slightly off then only -1 point. Use your best judgement. -Each iteration adds the current number to whatever is used as an accumulator (2 points) -By the end of the code, sum is correct (2 points) -If it's off by some constant amount, then only -1 point. -If there is a solution for which sum is always correct, then give full credit (except for any points lost for syntax) a.) i = m; while( i <= n ) { sum = sum + i; i++; } b.) i = m; do { sum = sum + i; i++; } while( i <= n ); c.) for( i = m; i <= n; i++ ) { sum = sum + i; } 2.) Should be sigma (variable = m below the sigma and n above the sigma and the aforementioned variable to the right of the sigma). I suspect there are other ways of doing this too; anything that works gets full credit. Different possible grades for this question: -5 pts (they used summation notation and it's correct) -2 pts (they used summation notation but it's not correct) -1 pt (it's correct but they didn't use summation notation - I'm not sure what this would look like but it's in the realm of possibility) 3.) Again, there are a LOT of possible answers for this. My own answer: while( s[ length ] != '\0' ) { length++; } If they called a built-in length function (i.e. strlen), then only give (2 pts) Otherwise, here are some grading guidelines: -Used a loop (2 pts) -Loop terminates (2 pts) -Syntax is correct (2 pts) -If it's one minor thing then only 1 point off. But if it's bigger take off the whole two points. -Each iteration of the loop adds to some accumulator (2 pts) -If there is a solution that doesn't do this but length is still correct by the end of the code, then still give these two points. I don't think it's possible but I mention this just in case. -Length is correct by the end of the code (7 points) -It's not correct, but it's consistently off by 1: (4 pts) -It's not correct, but it's consistently off by some other constant: (3 pts)