CS24 Week 5 Lab: Stacks and Queues

Due Date: Tuesday, July 29 at 11:59:59 PM

In this lab, you will implement stacks and queues using linked lists. After completing this lab, you should:

Pair Programming

You may work with a partner for this lab. If you choose a partner, both members must contribute to the same work. That is, you cannot simply divide the lab in half, as everyone is responsible for all the content. Instead, you should use a pair programming style. In pair programming, one person acts as a driver, who takes control of the keyboard. The other person acts as a navigator, who reviews what the driver writes and offers advice. Oftentimes, the driver is occupied with details of the problem (e.g., variables, control flow, etc.), whereas the navigator is concerned with bigger-picture problems (e.g., functions, design, interactions). This works well for problems which are simply too large to fit into one person's head. If you're unfamiliar with the concept of pair programming, you may wish to watch this video on the topic.

With pair programming, oftentimes it works best if both participants are of approximately the same skill level. Generally, if the disparity in skill is large, the end result is frustrating for both parties - it really only works when both parties operate at approximately the same speed. With this in mind, you should select someone of approximately the same skill level.


You may wih to peruse these portions of the Dale textbook: 2.1 - 2.4, 3.3 - 3.4, 4.1, 5.1.

Part A: Modify a Linked List Implementation

Step A-1: Create Directories and Copy Files

-bash-4.2$ cd
-bash-4.2$ pwd


-bash-4.2$ cd cs24
-bash-4.2$ pwd

-bash-4.2$ mkdir lab5
-bash-4.2$ cd lab5
-bash-4.2$ pwd


Now copy over the files for this week. They are kept in the directory: /cs/student/kyledewey/cs24/labs/5

-bash-4.2$ cp /cs/student/kyledewey/cs24/labs/5/* .

Note that there is a '.' at the end of that line. cp means copy. /cs/student/kyledewey/cs24/labs/5/* means all of the files contained in the directory /cs/student/kyledewey/cs24/labs/5. The '.' means to copy from that location to the current location.

Now check to make sure the copy worked correctly:

-bash-4.2$ ls

You should see a set of files listed that will be used for this week. You will be doing a lot of little development across a large number of files, detailed below:

Step A-2: Add the tail Pointer

In all methods in IntLinkedList.cpp, you need to add the code that modifies or uses the tail pointer (including the constructor).

Step A-3: Implement New Methods

Fully implement the removeTail, peekHead, and peekTail methods in IntLinkedList.cpp.

The tail pointer's job is to always point at the last node in the linked list. If the list is empty, it is NULL.

For each method, you can draw pictures to show where the tail pointer should be before and after a modification.

Step A-4: Implement the Destructor

Finally, you need to implement a destructor for IntLinkedList in IntLinkedList.cpp that goes through and deletes all Nodes in the linked list.

Step A-5: Implement main.cpp

Now add test cases to main.cpp. You can see that I've give you one test case. This is a very nice way to make test cases - you determine a test case, print out the expected result, and print out the actual result. Then it is clear when the output is wrong.

Once you have it implemented, you can compile it and run it. The main.cpp has test cases for the IntLinkedList, Stack, and Queue classes. Don't worry - the test cases for the others won't work yet, but you can still test your IntLinkedList class.

clang++ *.cpp

Part B: Use the Linked List to Implement a Stack

Step B-1: Modify Stack.h

You are implementing the Stack by using an IntLinkedList (a linked list that holds ints). In Stack.h, I have provided the public methods. What you need to do is fill in the private instance variables. You need two variables - one that keeps track of how many items are in the stack and another that is a linked list.

Step B-2: Modify Stack.cpp

Now you need to implement the methods specified. Look at IntLinkedList.h and Stack.h. For each method in Stack.h, plan how you are going to implement it, given that you want to offload as much work as possible to methods in IntLinkedList.h.

Begin with the constructor, initializing the two variables you declared in the class. Then implement the push method and the isEmpty method. For full credit, push must be efficient; it cannot, for instance, require you to traverse the entire list.

Have the second partner implement the pop, peek, and printStack methods. For full credit, pop and peek must be efficient; they cannot, for instance, require a traversal of the entire list.

Once you have finished, you are ready to compile. Let's do this in two steps - first compile just the Stack class so you can make sure you have all the syntax correct:

clang++ -c Stack.cpp

Make sure you add test cases to main.cpp to fully test the stack. Then compile and run the whole thing! The queue is not yet implemented, but you can still run the other parts.

clang++ *.cpp

Part C: Use the Linked List to Implement a Queue

Now you need to implement the methods specified. Look at IntLinkedList.h and Queue.h. For each method in Queue.h, plan how you are going to implement it, given that you want to offload as much work as possible to methods in IntLinkedList.h.

Begin with the constructor, initializing the two variables you declared in the class. Then implement the enqueue and isEmpty methods. For full credit, enqueue and isEmpty must be efficient; they cannot, for instance, require a traversal of the entire list.

Have the other partner implement the dequeue, peek, and printQueue methods. For full credit, dequeue and peek must be efficient; they cannot, for instance, require a traversal of the entire list.

Once you have finished, you are ready to compile. Let's do this in two steps - first compile just the Queue class so you can make sure you have all the syntax correct:

clang++ -c Queue.cpp

Make sure you add test cases to main.cpp to fully test the queue. Then compile and run the whole thing!

clang++ *.cpp

Submitting your Work

First, fill out the required fields in the provided README.txt file. Once you have filled this in, you may submit everything with the following command:

-bash-4.2$ turnin lab5@cs24 IntLinkedList.cpp Queue.cpp Stack.h IntLinkedList.h Queue.h main.cpp IntNode.cpp README.txt IntNode.h Stack.cpp


All content was graciously provided by Professor Diana Franklin, with slight formatting-related adaptation.