Exam 2 Review

The exam will consist of short-answer questions and writing your own code. A significant portion will consist of writing code (more than half the points), so you should be prepared to do this.

The review below, in addition to Lab 4, Lab 5, and Lab 6, are all fair game for the exam. For the labs, this includes both code you've written and questions you've answered. Between this review and the aforementioned three labs, this information is intended to be comprehensive; there will be no material on the exam which isn't touched by either the labs or this review.

If you're pushed for time, my personal recommendation is to spend the majority of your time studying what you wrote for your labs, both code and questions. You'll find the review below to be largely (though not entirely) redundant with that information.

Memory-Intensive MIPS Assembly

  1. Translate the following C code to assembly. The variables used refer to registers which should be used. You may assume that any registers used without initialization have already been initialized for you. You do not need to worry about saving or restoring registers. If you need additional registers than what are used below, use registers $t0 - $t9. You may assume that the C types int, unsigned int, and int* are each 32 bits long.
    int s0 = 0;
    unsigned int s1;
    // `s1` and `s2` are of type `unsigned int`
    // `s3` is of type `int*`
    for (s1 = 0; s1 < s2; s1++) {
      s0 = s0 + s3[s1];
  2. Translate the following C code to assembly. The variables used refer to registers which should be used. You may assume that any registers used without initialization have already been initialized for you. You do not need to worry about saving or restoring registers. If you need additional registers than what are used below, use registers $t0 - $t9. You may assume that the C types int, unsigned int, and int* are each 32 bits long. You may assume that array was declared globally, and it is an array of unsigned int.
    array[0] = 0;
    array[1] = 1;  
    unsigned int s0;
    for (s0 = 2; s0 <= s1; s0++) {
      array[s0] = array[s0 - 1] + array[s0 - 2];
    s2 = array[s1];
  3. Consider the assembly code below, which is intended to iterate through each element of myArray (which is declared elsewhere, and is of length 10), and do something with each element:
      # initialize registers
      move $t0, $zero
      li $t1, 10
      # check that we're still in the loop
      slt $t2, $t0, $t1
      beq $t2, $zero, after_loop
      # load myArray[$t0] into $t5
      la $t3, myArray
      add $t4, $t3, $t2
      lw  $t5, 0($t4)
      # do something with myArray[$t0], AKA $t5.
      # this has been omitted
      # increment counter and go back to the top
      addiu $t0, $t0, 1
      j loop
      # this is where code after the loop goes  

    The code above has a bug in it which will cause it not to iterate through the loop correctly. Specifically, $t3 won't always hold the value of myArray[$t3]. Two questions follow:

    1. What is wrong with the above code?
    2. A single instruction can be added to this code somewhere which will fix the bug. Which instruction is it, and where does it need to be placed?
  4. This isn't a question, but the following example files from the course webpage are all fair game:

MIPS Calling Convention

You should be familiar with the rules in the MIPS calling convention documentation. The following questions all indirectly relate to that document.

  1. What's wrong with the MIPS code snippet below, with respect to the MIPS calling convention?
    li $t0, 10         # save 10 into $t0
    jal foo            # call foo
    add $t1, $t0, $t0  # 10 + 10 = 20
  2. Consider the C code below:
    int add2(int x, int y) {
      return x + y;

    Answer the following questions, which are all related to how the above code behaves with respect to the MIPS calling convention:

    1. When add2 is called, in what registers will the values of x and y be initially placed?
    2. When add2 returns, in what register will its return value (x + y) be placed?
  3. The function bar below is implemented in MIPS assembly, which takes two parameters, which we'll name x and y, respectively. The function is supposed to return the result of (x * y) - (x + y). However, there is a bug in the function, with respect to the MIPS calling convention. What's wrong with the code, and how could it be fixed?
      mult $a0, $a1
      mflo $s0
      add  $s1, $a0, $a1
      sub  $v0, $s0, $s1
      jr $ra
  4. Consider the function first, below, which calls another function second. second doesn't take any parameters, and it doesn't return anything. There is a bug in the code below. What's wrong with the code, and how could it be fixed?
      jal second
      jr $ra
  5. Consider the function third, below, which calls another function fourth. fourth doesn't take any parameters, and it doesn't return anything. There is a bug in the code below. What's wrong with the code, and how could it be fixed?
      addiu $sp, $sp, -4
      sw $ra, 0($sp)
      jal fourth
      lw $ra, 0($sp)
      jr $ra
  6. Say that the value of $t0 needs to be maintained through a call, but we're constrained in that we're not allowed to store $t0's value in a preserved register (e.g., $s0 - $s7). This can't be done directly, as the MIPS calling convention allows the caller to clobber $t0. However, there is still a way to save the value of $t0 somewhere where it can survive the call, without needing to use a preserved register. Where can $t0 be saved? How can this be done, specifically with valid MIPS assembly which obeys the MIPS calling convention?
  7. This isn't a question, but the following example files from the course webpage are all fair game:

    You will not be asked about tail-recursion.

Basic Circuit Design

  1. What component is shown below?
  2. What component is shown below?
  3. What component is shown below?
  4. What component is shown below?
  5. Draw the circuit corresponding to the following sum-of-products equation, where !A refers to the negation of variable A, and so on:
    R = !A!B + AB
  6. Consider the following sum-of-products equation:
    R = !ABC + ABC + A!B!C

    Using the above equation, do the following: