Final Review Questions (with Answers)

The final exam will be broken into two components:

Part of the lab-based portion will require you to write assembly code on your laptops or lab machines, which is to be turned in via Canvas by the end of the class. The remainder of the lab-based portion will require you to draw circuits. You may NOT reference your previous submissions, and you may NOT access the Internet for any reason other than to submit your solution via Canvas. Violations of these rules will result in a 0 on the exam.

The written portion will consist of short-answer questions, and will require you to solve various problems.

You may bring the following materials into the exam:

Comprehensive Exam and Review

Both the lab and the lecture-based exams are intended to be comprehensive. However, since there has not been an exam since after Lab 6, at least 65% of the exam will concern material from labs 7 through 11.

Overall, the exam may include material from the following sources:

I will not ask any questions which were not somehow covered by one of the above three sources.

It is also recommended to study your midterm exam, particularly any questions which you had difficulty with. I will occasionally repeat questions from the midterm exam on the final, especially if the class overall did poorly on a question (I want to make sure the concept is understood!).


  1. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly. Non-register variable names indicate a value that should be stored in memory.

    int[] first = new int[]{0, 5, 27, 98};
    int[] second = new int[]{1, 2, 8, 29, 42};
    int[] result = new int[9];
    int r0 = 0;
    int r1 = 0;
    while (r0 < 4) {
      result[r0] = first[r0];
    while (r1 < 5) {
      result[r0] = second[r1];
    for (r2 = 0; r2 < 9; r2++) {
      .equ SWI_Print_Int, 0x6B
      .equ SWI_Exit, 0x11
      .equ SWI_Print_Char, 0x00
      .word 0, 5, 27, 98
      .word 4
      .word 1, 2, 8, 29, 42
      .word 5
      .word -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
      .word 9
      .global _start
      ;; r0: from psuedocode
      ;; r1: from pseudocode
      ;; r2: length of first
      ;; r3: length of second
      ;; r4: first base address
      ;; r5: second base address
      ;; r6: result base address
      mov r0, #0
      mov r1, #0
      ldr r2, =first_length
      ldr r2, [r2]
      ldr r3, =second_length
      ldr r3, [r3]
      ldr r4, =first
      ldr r5, =second
      ldr r6, =result
      cmp r0, r2
      bpl end_first_while
      ;; r7: first[r0]
      ldr r7, [r4, r0, LSL #2]
      str r7, [r6, r0, LSL #2]
      add r0, r0, #1
      b begin_first_while
      cmp r1, r3
      bpl end_second_while
      ;; r7: second[r1]
      ldr r7, [r5, r1, LSL #2]
      str r7, [r6, r0, LSL #2]
      add r0, r0, #1
      add r1, r1, #1
      b begin_second_while
      ;; r7: length of result
      mov r2, #0
      ldr r7, =result_length
      ldr r7, [r7]
      cmp r2, r7
      bpl end_for
      mov r0, #1
      ldr r1, [r6, r2, LSL #2]
      swi SWI_Print_Int
      mov r0, #'\n
      swi SWI_Print_Char
      add r2, r2, #1
      b begin_for
      swi SWI_Exit
  2. What component is shown below?
    An OR gate.
  3. What component is shown below?
    An AND gate.
  4. What component is shown below?
    A NOT gate.
  5. Draw the circuit corresponding to the following sum-of-products equation, where !A refers to the negation of variable A, and so on:
    R = !A!B + AB
  6. Consider the following sum-of-products equation:
    R = !ABC + ABC + A!B!C

    Using the above equation, do the following:

  7. Consider the truth table augmented with don't cares, shown below:
    A B C D U

    Using the above truth table, write out the following:

    1. The unoptimized sum-of-products equation, skipping over don't cares
                    U = !A!B!C!D + !A!BCD + !AB!CD + A!B!C!D + AB!C!D
    2. A Karnaugh map, along with boxes which exploit don't cares where appropriate.
    3. An optimized sum-of-products equation, derived from the Karnaugh map created in the previous step.
                    U = !C!D + !AD
  8. Design a two-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that has the following operations:

    Specifically, your ALU will have the following inputs:

    Input Name Input Description
    A0 Bit 0 of the first operand
    A1 Bit 1 of the first operand
    B0 Bit 0 of the second operand
    B1 Bit 1 of the second operand
    S0 Select bit 0, used for specifying the operation to perform (see table below)
    S1 Select bit 1, used for specifying the operation to perform (see table below)

    Given the above inputs, your ALU will produce the following outputs:

    Output Name Output Description
    U0 Bit 0 of the output
    U1 Bit 1 of the output

    As for which operation should be performed, this is based on the values of inputs S0 and S1. The table below described the values that correspond to the different operations:

    Value for S1 Value for S0 Operation
    0 0 AND
    0 1 OR
    1 0 NAND
    1 1 NOR

    For this task, you may use the following provided components, in unlimited supply:

  9. Design a finite state machine (FSM) which will set a particular output U to 1 each time 001 is encountered in a stream of inputs. Inputs are specified one at a time, and are represented by the variable I. To illustrate, consider the following example, which shows different values of U and I over time, where each cell is separated by a clock tick:

    I 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
    U 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

    For this task, you should be able to:

    1. Draw the FSM.
    2. Define how many latches/flip-flops are necessary to implement your design.
                    2 (two state bits needed)
    3. Draw a truth table corresponding to this FSM, taking into account the inputs, outputs, current state, and next state.
  10. Be able to define register files with different parameters (e.g., more than two registers, registers which are wider than two bits, etc.).